Benefits of soft tissue therapy for chronic pain relief 

Chronic pain can occur across any part of the body and can be very debilitating, having a negative impact on almost every aspect of daily life. This also contributes to stress, anxiety and depression, which makes the pain worse, creating a negative cycle. When it comes to treatment options, there are a wide range of choices from medication to massage therapies. Soft Tissue Therapy (STT) is one of the most popular options for addressing chronic pain, but what are the benefits of soft tissue therapy for chronic pain relief? And what does this treatment process involve?

How does Soft Tissue Therapy work?

STT is a process that involves targeting the body’s soft tissues, including the fascia, connective tissue and muscles. These are often the source of chronic pain issues, with surrounding tissues then becoming inflamed and tight, worsening the pain and reducing movement even further. STT can address both the initial problem and the secondary inflammation in a number of different ways, using different methods and techniques, including:

  • Deep tissue massage- One of the most common techniques for STT is deep tissue massage. This is a process that involves applying firm pressure to deeper layers of muscles and connective tissues, allowing adhesions to be broken down, and relieving tension in the muscles. This helps to reduce inflammation, boost healing and increase the blood flow.
  • Myofascial release- This technique focuses on the fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles within the body. This is a technique that involves applying gentle, sustained pressure on areas of fascia that are tight or restricted, allowing them to stretch and loosen. This can significantly reduce pain and restore normal movement.
  • Trigger point therapy- Trigger points are hyperirritable spots within a muscle that can cause pain both locally and in other areas. Trigger point therapy involves applying pressure to these points to release the muscle knots and alleviate pain.
  • Stretching- Therapeutic stretching, particularly when combined with other soft tissue techniques, can help to elongate muscles, improve flexibility, and prevent the recurrence of tightness and pain.

What does Soft Tissue Therapy involve?

Here at Core Holistic, we are trained and professional practitioners who specialise in STT, and you can count on us for a high quality treatment process and outstanding pain relief. 

Our process involves a thorough initial consultation which will allow us to assess your chronic pain condition, discuss your pain history and any previous injuries or surgeries. This detailed assessment will allow us to identify the cause of your chronic pain and to develop a treatment plan that will be tailored to meet your individual needs and requirements. 

Typically, our STT sessions will involve us using our hands, elbows, or specific tools, depending on the treatment type being used, to manipulate the soft tissues and apply pressure to the right areas. The treatment will last for between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the severity of your condition and the treatment type that has been chosen to address your individual condition.

What are the benefits of Soft Tissue Therapy for chronic pain relief?

There are a number of benefits and advantages to choosing STT for chronic pain relief. These include:

  • Alleviating discomfort- one of the biggest benefits of STT is that this can help to alleviate discomfort and pain very effectively. STT can find and identify the root cause of the pain, and address this effectively. This pain relief can reduce the reliance you might have on pain medications and avoid the undesirable side effects medication can bring.
  • Improving mobility and flexibility- as well as providing pain relief, STT can also improve mobility and flexibility. One of the most common effects of chronic pain is muscle stiffness and tension which leads to restricted movement and mobility. STT can help to correct this by improving the function of the fascia and muscles, improving your range of motion.
  • Promoting circulation- STT also helps to promote and improve circulation, which is vital for the healing process. Blood flow can improve the supply of oxygen to damaged tissues, as well as nutrition, which helps to speed up the healing and recovery process. This can also help to reduce swelling, promoting further pain relief.
  • Improving mental wellbeing- Finally, soft tissue therapy can have a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. Chronic pain is often associated with stress, anxiety, and depression, and by addressing and resolving this chronic pain, you can also reduce your stress levels and anxiety. 

For more information or to book professional soft tissue therapy for your chronic pain, get in touch with Preston’s leading experts today here at Core Holistic Health.
