How can sports massage improve running performance?

As one of the most popular exercise options in the UK, running brings a host of health and wellbeing benefits. But whether you are training for your first 10k, or you’re a seasoned long distance runner, sports massage can be very helpful. But how can sports massage improve running performance? And why should you consider a sports massage?

So how can sports massage improve running performance?

Professional sports massage can be very beneficial for runners, improving running performance in a number of different ways. These include:

  • Reducing muscle tension and improving flexibility 
  • Improving recovery
  • Preventing injury 
  • Improving circulation and muscle repair

Reducing muscle tension and improving flexibility 

One of the biggest benefits of sports massage for runners is that this can reduce tension in the muscles and improve flexibility.

Muscular tension or tightness is often caused by the stress that running can place on the legs, hips and lower back, and this tension can have a negative impact on your speed or movement range. Choosing a professional team for your sports massage, like us here at Core Holistic, allows this tension to be alleviated. This happens through the targeted application of pressure to the specific tight areas, which helps to break down adhesions and any scar tissue.

In addition, this process can also help to improve your flexibility. When muscles are tight and tense, they cannot extend to the full amount, restricting your movement and also causing pain. Professional sports massage can reduce this tightness to restore your flexibility. 

Improving recovery and reducing muscle soreness

The recovery process is an essential consideration for any runner. Providing enough rest and recovery can help to improve your performance in future running sessions, instead of allowing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) to hold you back. Sports massage can be very beneficial for this, as it helps to improve blood circulation, deliver essential oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, and promotes faster healing all round. 

Preventing injury

Running is an exercise that can bring a number of injury problems and issues, including shin splints, knee and hip pain, and even plantar fasciitis. All of these injuries can set your training and progress back, which can be devastating when you are following a plan before a running event. Professional sports massage,carried out by a trusted and reliable team, like us here at Core Holistic, can help to prevent these injuries. Our sports massage approach will address imbalances or tightness, reducing stress on other parts of the body, and improving your running gait. 

Improving circulation and muscle repair

Finally, a professional sports massage can also lead to improved circulation and ultimately improved muscle repair. Our team of experts, here at Core Holistic, will apply massage techniques that can improve the flow of blood to the muscles, allowing for the delivery of oxygen and key nutrients. This can speed up the muscle recovery process, and ensures that your muscles will be nourished both during and after exercise. This can lead to a reduction in muscle fatigue, improved healing and recovery and even improved endurance.

For more information or advice about sports massage for runners, why not get in touch with the professionals today, here at Core Holistic
